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Member of the Standing Committee of Jilin Province Party Committee, Changchun Municipal Party Secretary Wang Junzheng Goes to Our Bank for ...

Release Time: 2017-04-16Author :JTCBSource:JTCBBrowsing Times :14902

Member of the Standing Committee of Jilin Province Party Committee, Changchun Municipal Party Secretary Wang Junzheng Goes to Our Bank for Investigating and Surveying


On April 13, 2017, Member of the Standing Committee of Jilin Province Party Committee, Changchun Municipal Party Secretary Wang Junzheng went to science and technology flagship store of Jiutai Sub-branch of our bank for investigating and surveying. Zhao Ming, Wang Lu, Lü  Ning of Changchun City leaders as well as Shi Changjiu, Secretary of Jiutai District Committee, Waeden, Li Hongliang took part in the investigating and surveying, Gao Bing, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board, Li Guoqiang, Vice President and others accompanied for investigating and surveying.


During the investigating and surveying, Secretary Wang Junzheng visited to the science and technology of flagship store of Jiutai Sub-branch with strong interest, while realized reform and development situation of our bank in recent years. Gao Bing, Chairman of the Board, reported the thinking, achievement of taking root in regional economy and speeding up development of our bank in recent years, as well as the method of supporting rural financial reform. Gao Bing, Chairman of the Board, said in the report, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank is able to realize healthy and rapid development in recent years, conformed to the idea of “Free Our Mind, Rush to Hold the Opportunity, Innovation and Development” put forward by Secretary Wang Junzheng, and is able to practice and explore in servicing for county economy and the real economy. The product of “Three Rights Mortgage Loan” developed by our bank creates the basic conditions for Jiutai District to bring into the test site of the national rural financial reform; developed “Shequ Tong”, supports the rural urbanization; and is the only financing institution in Jilin Province to carry out peasant housing property right mortgage loan.


After debrief, Secretary Wang Junzheng gave sufficient affirming to the method of positively butt jointing national policy, innovation financial service, innovation system and mechanism as well as supporting the real economy of our bank. And also put forward expect earnestly to the future development, hopes our bank continuously to innovate financial products as always, optimize financial service, make greater contribution in the development of servicing for regional economy and real economy.


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