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Individual SMS Financing Business

Definition of individual SMS financing business

Individual SMS financing refers to the services of account management, dynamic reminding, transfer and consultation provide to the clients in the way of short message, based on the Chinese short message technology, through cooperation with telecom operators and supported by the short message platform of the integrated business system of Jilin Province Rural Credit Union.

Product functions of individual SMS financing service

Contract SMS financing service. Our bank shall provide the clients with funds movement reminding, status changing reminding, certificate deposit mature reminding services.

1)  Account funds movement reminding: in case of variation of the funds in signed account, sending SMS notification immediately to the signed cellphone of the client. (as for the variation of funds occurred by batch program of system, the short messages shall be sent at 8:00 the next day). The client may decide according to his own wish, the reminding directions (debtor, creditor, both), reminding limit (the limit shall be decided by the client himself, a short message is sent when it is larger than this limit; the short message is not sent when it is smaller than this limit), number of cellphone to be reminded (supporting 3 cellphones at the same time).

2) Certificate deposit maturity notification (lump-sum deposit and withdrawal): the certificate deposit maturity notification shall be sent to the client one day before certificate deposit maturity. signed account supports all-in-one passbook and bank and does not support certificate of deposit. If one certificate of deposit /bank card has several small lump-sum account on a regular basis, to which the system shall sent short messages respectively one day before each sub-account expires. Short message notification service of certificate deposit maturity shall not be provided to certificate deposit automatic renewal account and the short message service provided on maturity is to remind funds movement.

3) Account status notification (from normal to abnormal): if the signed account is a bankbook/card/corporate account, the variation status of the account shall be sent to the client at real time. The system shall send only the status turning from normal to abnormal, including report of loss, freezing, payment stopping, locking, card confiscation and card closing.

4) Contract signing/canceling/limit variation notification: if the client signs/cancels a telephone bank contract, SMS financing service, signing ATM transfer protocol, maintaining small amount multi-user protocol, changing short message reminding limit, short message reminding services shall be provide..

5) Fee deducting failure notification: if the balance in the fee account of signed client is not enough to be deducted, service shall be provided for the same month and fee deducting failure.

reminding message shall continue to be sent to the client. If the collection fails for 2 months continuously, the short message service shall be suspended and a suspending notification shall be sent to the client. If the client renews the arrearage in the fee account, the short message service of the signed account shall be resumed the next day.

6) International settlement business notification: notifications of entry of foreign exchange in original currency and entry of settlement of exchange in RMB.

Serving objects of individual SMS financing business

Individual clients opening debit cards and passbooks.

Application process for individual SMS financing business.

The individual SMS financing service can be applied for over counter.

Charging standard for individual SMS financing service

Fee collection standard for individual SMS financing service:

1) Annual contract: 24 Yuan/year/account, without text limit;

2) Monthly package: 2 Yuan/month/account, without text limit;

Application channel for individual SMS financing service

Over counter.

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