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Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank Signs Overall Strategic Cooperation Agreement with China Unicorn of Jilin Province

Release Time: 2017-07-19Author :JTCBSource:JTCBBrowsing Times :14589


On July 19 A.M, the signing ceremony of overall strategic cooperation of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank with Jilin Branch of China Unicorn was held at the headquarters of Jilin Unicorn, it marks the both sides will soon open the brand new operating model of “Finance + Communication”, realize the new situation of mutual benefit and reciprocity, and win-win cooperation.


Before the signing ceremony, the both sides held a forum, Gao Bing, Chairman of the Board of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank had an exchange and talking over with Zhang Zuoliang, General Manager of Jilin Unicorn. Gao Bing, Chairman of the Board, briefly analyzed the current economic and financial situation, and introduced the general situation of development, financial innovation and other new measures of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank in detail. The both sides had a deepgoing discuss and exchange about cooperation content and ways of cooperation in future.


On the signing ceremony, Liang Xiangmin, Vice President of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank, and Yu Baichuan, Vice General Manager of Jilin Unicorn signed all-round cooperation framework agreement on behalf of the both sides. In future, the both sides will be based on the principle of fair cooperation, mutual benefit and reciprocity, joint development, to realize resources sharing, and form to complement each other’s advantages. On an agreement, the both sides will carry out omni-channel, all-service on-line and off-line cooperation on Financial Cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things, Managing Money Matters of the Staffs, as well as mixing together and expanding of finance with communication and other sides, to be aimed at providing more abundant finance and communication services for the customers.


Yuan Chunyu, Secretary of the Board of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank, Wang Jin, Vice President of Changchun Branch, Sun Jianfei, General Manager of Changchun Unicorn, as well as the man at the wheel of the relevant department offices of the bothe sides took part in the signing ceremony.



Gao Bing, Chairman of the Board, makes a speech


The both sides hold a forum

The both sides have a discussion

To take a group photo as a memento


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