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Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank Promotes Small and Micro Businesses and Three Agricultures With All Its Strength to Plan Development Together

Release Time: 2017-05-05Author :JTCBSource:JTCBBrowsing Times :14408

With the deepening of interest rate liberalization and financial system reform, some rural commercial banks of originally located in the endemicity depends on the short management radius, high efficiency of decision-making, and are constantly paying close attention to the development of the local middle and small-sized enterprises and three agricultures’ finance.
Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank, its headquarter is located at Jilin Province, enjoys exceptional advantage. For the loan customer resources, the data of performance notice of 2016 shows, the quantity of loan customers of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank realized double increase in recent 4 years. Among them, the characteristic of the customers and business structure of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank is the increase of support strength to the small and micro businesses and the enterprises of three agricultures.
The insider considers, small and micro businesses and the enterprises of three agricultures are not only the field of present policy support, but also are one of the directions in the business transformation of the bank, while accumulation and advantage of this kind of business could also contribute greater performance imagination for it.
The Customers Are Steady Increase
The data shows, during 4 years from 2012 to 2016, the loan customer quantity of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank increased from 771 to 2061, amplification was nearly 200%. The performance notice of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank announced, at the end of 2016, total amount of its customer loan and advance in cash were RMB 62.1 billion Yuan, increase 29.7% than 2015. 
On the other hand, the growth of the quantity of the customer loan has the support of constant increase of the deposit scale. Performance notice of 2016 announced the total amount of customer deposit was RMB 127.409 billion Yuan, year-on year growth 36.6%.
Helps Small and Micro Businesses and the Enterprises of Three Agricultures
The data of performance notice of 2016 indicated the distribution architecture and characteristic in the field of credit business scope of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank. Loan amount of Small and Micro Businesses reached 28.976 billion Yuan, loan amount of medium-sized enterprise the proportion of is over 91%, occupied top two in order to scale measure classification respectively, it is enough to make out the support strength of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank to the medium small and micro-sized enterprises.

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