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Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank: Increase of Net Interest Income in 2016 was remarkable Boosting Retained Profits to Increase Greatly 65.2%

Release Time: 2017-05-05Author :JTCBSource:JTCBBrowsing Times :14674

On April 21, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank published annual report of 2016. The annual report shows, operation revenue of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank in2016 was 5.954 billion Yuan, increased 39.5% than 2015, retained profits realized RMB 2.316 billion Yuan, year-on-year growth 65.2%. Among them, annual interest income was 8.488 billion Yuan, year-on-year growth 39.6%, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank expressed, huge growth of net interest income is mainly benefitted from the rising of average balance of interest-bearing assets.



Diversified Business Deployment Increased Net Interest Income


In the business pattern, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank carries out corporate banking business, retail banking and capital business evenly. Actively promotes products and service diversification, enlarges capital business as well as the increase of available for investment capital and other factors, interest income of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank in 2016 was year-on-year growth 39.6%. Among them, interest income of investment securities and other financial assets was 2.653 billion Yuan, year-on-year growth 118.0%, interest income of due from banks and other financing institutions was 1.135 billion Yuan, year-on-year growth 112.7%.


Annual report shows, up to December 31, 2016, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank possesses 395 sales networks totally, has set up 32 village banks and 5 rural commercial banks with wholly-owned or holding, spread all over 10 provinces and cities of Jilin, Shandong, Anhui, Hubei, Guangdong, Shanxi, Tianjin and so on, and has formed an extensive network in the whole nation. in 2016, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank depended on excellent business expression and management ability, in the evaluation result of “peg-top” evaluation system of commercial banks of 2016, ranks the second of the rural commercial banks of the whole nation.



Innovation-type Strategic Driving Promotes Rural Financial Service Quality


First of all, innovation development pattern of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank aims at the work of experimental area of the first batch of peasant housing property right mortgage loan in the whole nation, and experimental area of coming into the market of rural collective operational construction land in the whole nation. Second, innovation marketing pattern of Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank, to open Jiutai Flagship Store of Science and Technology, to adopt a large number of intelligent devices, to implant human-computer interaction techniques, the efficiency of customer service is improved observably.


In addition, Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank innovates financial products, combined with the regional economy and industry characteristic, opens “Rongzibao”, “Shequtong”, Chuangyebao” and other financial products, to promote urbanization, to support the peasant-work to go into town for starting up business. At the same time, in accordance with the demand of medium small and micro-sized enterprises, to open “Maoyida”, Xundaitong”, Cangdaitong”, “Yinqitong”, Shangwuyou” and other credit and loan products, makes medium small and micro-sized enterprises obtain financial support in wider field and greater range.

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